Case Report
Published: 17 October, 2018 | Volume 2 - Issue 2 | Pages: 025-028
A 35-year-old man presented with swelling in the lower abdomen for 2 months. He was found to have left undescended testis. An ultrasound scan showed a solid floating pelvic mass. His chest x-ray and tumour markers for testicular cancer were normal. Exploratory laparotomy revealed the left intra-abdominal testicular tumour. Intra-abdominal left orchiectomy was performed. The patient made an uneventful recovery. Histology showed immature seminoma. A mass in the lower abdomen with a cryptorchidic testis strongly points towards the diagnosis of malignancy in abdominal testis. To prevent this complication all undescended testis gets orchiopexy before 2nd year or orchiectomy in post-adolescent life. But some cases remain unnoticed, which leads to this kind of presentation. So, we decided to present this rare and interesting case of intra-abdominal testicular tumour.
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Undescended testis; Testicular cancer; Seminoma
Figure 1
Figure 2
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