Research Article
Published: 31 October, 2020 | Volume 4 - Issue 2 | Pages: 047-050
Intentional replantation is an alternative for the treatment of advanced periodontal destruction of the anterior teeth. Systemically healthy three female patient was referred to our clinic with functional complaints. Diagnosis were chronic periodontitis and class III mobility was noted at the mandibular incisors with complete periodontal attachment loss. After phase I periodontal treatment periodontally involved teeth were extracted, endodontic treatment accomplished, the teeth were replanted and fixed to its place with fiber reinforced composite splint. At the end of 2 years tooth was in function with alveolar bone gain. Intentional replantation provided long-term maintenance of patient’s own teeth.
Read Full Article HTML DOI: 10.29328/journal.ascr.1001053 Cite this Article Read Full Article PDF
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