
Research Article

Lecture: "First Aid to the Population in Case of Thermal Burns during Accidents, Catastrophes, Natural Disasters and Terrorist Attacks" of the Subject "Life Safety" for Humanitarian and Technical Universities

Shapovalov KA* and Shapovalova LA

Published: 19 December, 2023 | Volume 7 - Issue 2 | Pages: 052-059

To prepare the population to provide first aid for thermal burns in emergency situations, algorithms for modern didactics of the educational topic “Thermal burns” are proposed. The following educational issues are highlighted: 1) Local exposure to high temperature. Burns. Kinds. Classification according to the depth of the lesion; 2) Rules for determining the area of burns; 3) Signs of thermal burns; 4) The concept of burn disease; 5) First (pre-hospital emergency) aid to burnt people; 6). Domestic burns from boiling water; 7) Features of burns in children; 8) Treatment of burns; 9) Prevention of thermal burns.

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Thermal burns; First aid; Emergency situations; Didactics


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