Articles by AIIMS

Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on urology practice in India

Published on: 18th June, 2021

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 9124848007

Background: The rapid spread of “Coronavirus Disease 2019’ (COVID-19) caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) significantly impacted health care facilities all across the globe. To assess impact on urology practice in our country, we developed a questionnaire based on relevant questions in current scenario for information regarding challenges and changes urologists were facing in their practices. Material and methods: We conducted an online survey to find out the impact of COVID-19 on urology practice in Indian scenario. The questionnaire comprised of total 18 questions, which were relevant to day to day practice. Results: Total 310 urologists across the India participated and consented to being part of the study. The majority admits change in their practice due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak. The majority admitted to attend fixed numbers of patients per day with prior appointment and to keep detailed records. The majority responded in positive that attendees will not be allowed, opted to wear N-95 mask in OPD, opted to take the relevant history, opted for thermal screening, opted for patients to wear a mask before entering OPD room, opted for using the new prescription at new visit and opted to avoid physical examination unless very necessary. The majority wanted to take consent from the patients that they may get infected by COVID-19 in the hospital and agreed on performing COVID-19 testing for every patient posted for surgery. The majority agreed to assign a separate operation theatre to operate patients with positive COVID-19 test and also preferred open surgery over minimal invasive surgery. Conclusion: Our survey revealed that the recent pandemic led to significant impacts on urology practice in our country. The urologists working in different setups are facing different challenges in this difficult condition. They have made certain changes in their practice to safely provide effective care to their patients.
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An Unusual Case of Hydatid Cyst Presenting as Pyopneumothorax

Published on: 5th January, 2024

A 10-year-old male child presented to the Department of Respiratory Medicine in March 2017, with complaints of dyspnea (mMRC grade 1) for last 14 months which aggravated on right lateral position, left-sided chest pain for 1 year and mild fever for 3 months. There was no hemoptysis, wheeze, and expectoration. The patient gave a past history of straw-colored pleural fluid aspiration one year ago which was diagnosed as tubercular hydropneumothorax (Figure 1) in 2016 based on pleural fluid analysis. He was given antitubercular treatment for the effusion. He took ATT for 8 months but with no improvement. 
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Unveiling the Impostor: Pulmonary Embolism Presenting as Pneumonia: A Case Report and Literature Review

Published on: 5th February, 2025

Pulmonary Embolism (PE) can present with symptoms resembling pneumonia, creating a diagnostic challenge, particularly in patients with comorbidities. We report the case of a 67-year-old male who presented with cough, hemoptysis, shortness of breath, fever, and pedal edema. Initially diagnosed with consolidation based on chest X-ray findings, he was treated with antibiotics. However, persistent symptoms prompted further evaluation, leading to the diagnosis of PE with pulmonary infarction and deep vein thrombosis on computed tomography pulmonary angiography and Doppler ultrasound. This case highlights the need to consider PE in the differential diagnosis of consolidation, particularly in high-risk individuals, to avoid delays in appropriate management.
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