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Independent Researcher

Articles by Independent Researcher

Amyotropyc Lateral Sclerosis and Endogenous -Esogenous Toxicological Movens: New model to verify other Pharmacological Strategies

Published on: 5th August, 2018

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7900030522

In 1874 J.M. Charcot was the first to describe ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a disease with an high non response therapy rate also to the actual therapy. ALS is not clearly associate to only single etio-patogenetic movens but many process seem involved. Also the strange geographic diffusion of different forms contribute to a complex syndromic pathology. The introducing of new theories and approach can help to find more efficacy therapeutic strategies. In this work the different neuronal damage movens and new therapeutic strategies are analyzed to produce a Unic global response to the pathologic process useful in next clinical application. Genetic factors must be considered also added to environmental movens but also to the endogenous microenvironment of motoneuron involved. A toxicological-biochemical-imunological approach can be useful tool to find new therapeutic strategies. Or to improve local availability of pharmacological molecules.
Cite this ArticleCrossMarkPublonsHarvard Library HOLLISGrowKudosResearchGateBase SearchOAI PMHAcademic MicrosoftScilitSemantic ScholarUniversite de ParisUW LibrariesSJSU King LibrarySJSU King LibraryNUS LibraryMcGillDET KGL BIBLiOTEKJCU DiscoveryUniversidad De LimaWorldCatVU on WorldCat

Receptor pharmacology and other relevant factors in lower urinary tract pathology under a functional and toxicological approach: Instrument to better manage antimicrobials therapy

Published on: 14th December, 2018

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7964754521

In various patients conditions involved in lower urinary tract disease LUT (like overactive bladder, bladder neck sclerosis, dis –synergy (with our synenrgic contraction between bladder detrusor and bladder neck, BPH, recurrent cysytitis, interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, uretral stenosys, loss of sfinteric coordination. Prostatic cancer, anatomic abnormalities and other the receptor status play relevant role to reduce effect of vicious clycle that can be responsible in progression of the pathologic process. In this work the complex receptorial status is analyzed to verify new therapeutic strategies. Starting from the observation that various irritant substanties produce irritant stimulus in Prostatic Patients or in bladder neck condition is interesting to deep understand the etio-patogenesys and Functional results. In Various prostatic, bladder neck or ureteral condition a reduced urinary fluss can produce infectious. Conditions like acute or chronic prostatitis. Irritants sustanties in diet (in example etilic alcohol drink, hot spices, crud meats, carbonate drinks, caffeine and other) can produce Painful stimulus in innervations of vecical trigonous, bladder neck and prostatic urethra. The same recurrent cystitis and Bph contribute in a complex situation. This stimulus produce ipertonus of bladder muscle involved in the expulsion of urine. The event related inflamation and edema (bladder, prostatic uretra, trigonus) contribute to the global effect. So conditions like bladder neck sclerosys IPB, recurrent prostatitis and cistitys in acts in a vicious circle. (Also immunomediated: Bph and cronic prostatitis with linfocite infiltration and tissue remodeling). The ormonal status check the systems (see 5-ARI efficacy in Bph). Simpatic, parasimpatic and other system are deeply involved. Also behavioral habits or diet can influence in example urinary flux in a complex system like LUT. (Bladder and prostatic irritants that can produce edema and acute inflamation). Other behavior habits are deeply involved as too much sedentary, water intake, coffee, pee modality and also psychological profile and stressing conditions. Some disease like diabetes produce high consequences in all this systems due to Bladder modification, oxidative stress, osmotic movens, and increase susceptibility of urinary infections. This article are verified this kind of movens that contribute in physio -pathology of some low urinary tract conditions. The anatomic abnormalities produces, obviously, physiological disfuntions. Recurrent urinary tract infections, inadequate antimicrobial therapy: Profile of resistance, duration of therapy, kind of antimicrobials, posology, Pk. Kinetics, associations, compliance, biofilms, micro calcifications (recurrent chronic prostatitis) contribute to a progression of the condition.
Cite this ArticleCrossMarkPublonsHarvard Library HOLLISGrowKudosResearchGateBase SearchOAI PMHAcademic MicrosoftScilitSemantic ScholarUniversite de ParisUW LibrariesSJSU King LibrarySJSU King LibraryNUS LibraryMcGillDET KGL BIBLiOTEKJCU DiscoveryUniversidad De LimaWorldCatVU on WorldCat

Endogenus toxicology: Modern physio-pathological aspects and relationship with new therapeutic strategies. An integrative discipline incorporating concepts from different research discipline like Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology

Published on: 14th January, 2019

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7986003175

Many pathologic disease can be considered as related to an Endogenous toxicological moves and in time dependent way (kinetics and dynamic of the process). In this work starting from the analysis of relevant literature involved with different disease and related to the endogenous local micro- environment some global conclusion useful as new tools for innovative pharmacological strategies will be submitted to the researcher. Physiology, pathology concept linked to the endogenous toxicological local micro-environment status as new research instruments. The same carcinogenesis process can be related also to endogenous agents that may have a major contribution in spontaneously process. (Reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are involved in multiple cellular processes by physiologically transporting signal as a second messenger or pathologically oxidizing DNA, lipids, and proteins).
Cite this ArticleCrossMarkPublonsHarvard Library HOLLISGrowKudosResearchGateBase SearchOAI PMHAcademic MicrosoftScilitSemantic ScholarUniversite de ParisUW LibrariesSJSU King LibrarySJSU King LibraryNUS LibraryMcGillDET KGL BIBLiOTEKJCU DiscoveryUniversidad De LimaWorldCatVU on WorldCat

Cystic fibrosis, the key link with airborne alpha emitting nanoparticulates

Published on: 18th June, 2021

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 9100376557

Cystic fibrosis is explained in this paper that suggests tackling the disease by elimination of the most significant sources of contamination.
Cite this ArticleCrossMarkPublonsHarvard Library HOLLISGrowKudosResearchGateBase SearchOAI PMHAcademic MicrosoftScilitSemantic ScholarUniversite de ParisUW LibrariesSJSU King LibrarySJSU King LibraryNUS LibraryMcGillDET KGL BIBLiOTEKJCU DiscoveryUniversidad De LimaWorldCatVU on WorldCat

Surgery and new Pharmacological strategy in some atherosclerotic chronic and acute conditions

Published on: 18th August, 2017

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7317601909

Introduction In actual pharmacological therapy we can see that some drugs can be added to other medical instruments to improve their activity: in example we can see medicated stent for some coronary disease, or hormonal medical devices used in pregnancy prevention, but other example are known today. In example Carmustine wafer is delivered by delivery systems in some brain cancer and radioactive seed implants in prostatic cancer. Ocular intra vitreal implants for some macular degenerations (MABS or cortisones) other implants delivery systems drugs, naltrexone implant for opiate dependence. Other strategies imply carrier use to deliver the drugs in the site of action: In example MABS linked to radioactive isotopes in some relapse of severe Hodgkin disease but many other example we can see in therapy used today. So we can think that other chronic conditions can be treated using a combination of drugs with other instrument to improve the clinical outcomes. This to make possible that the ERLICH MUGIC BULLETS can act in the right site reducing the side effect. In example today we can see various medical interventional radiological strategy to treat in coronary and hearth disease with medicate stents positioning or to local use of contrast agents or other valvle surgery procedures with global good clinical results.
Cite this ArticleCrossMarkPublonsHarvard Library HOLLISGrowKudosResearchGateBase SearchOAI PMHAcademic MicrosoftScilitSemantic ScholarUniversite de ParisUW LibrariesSJSU King LibrarySJSU King LibraryNUS LibraryMcGillDET KGL BIBLiOTEKJCU DiscoveryUniversidad De LimaWorldCatVU on WorldCat

Similarity between Some Biological Systems, Organotropism and Metastatic Process: Active Role Played By Secondary Organ?

Published on: 19th June, 2018

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7757049040

According to literature, about 90% of death from cancer is related to metastasis. Metastatic process present many similarity to some other biological processes. Once we have examined some relevant biomedical literature, by understanding the real causes of metastasis, it would become much more possible to introduce new therapeutic strategies to delay or in some cases even to stop this kind of killer process. Breast cancer, as an example, produces metastasis to different organs, which seems to be related to the subtype. We believe that a deep understanding of the roles of breast cancer cells and their interactions with the liver microenvironment in early breast cancer metastasis could be a crucial factor for the design and development of effective BCLM breast cancer liver metastases therapeutic strategies and to better understand the general process. Let’s suppose the secondary organ or organs can be considered as incubator/s for the primary metastatic cells. What kind of consequences we can have in therapy field if there is an active regulating role in determining the location of secondary cancers? Let’s observe the role played by liver, bone marrow, CNS central nervous system, lungs, lymphocytes and other secondary locations/organs a little bit closer or maybe from a different angle let’s suppose we try to come up with just a hypothesis. Just let’s take this as a possibility, and we take the thread to see where it takes us.
Cite this ArticleCrossMarkPublonsHarvard Library HOLLISGrowKudosResearchGateBase SearchOAI PMHAcademic MicrosoftScilitSemantic ScholarUniversite de ParisUW LibrariesSJSU King LibrarySJSU King LibraryNUS LibraryMcGillDET KGL BIBLiOTEKJCU DiscoveryUniversidad De LimaWorldCatVU on WorldCat

Detection limit of a lutetium based non-paralizable PET-like detector

Published on: 16th April, 2020

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8586063433

The effect of the intrinsic lutetium radioactivity on the detection performances of a LYSO based in-beam PET-like prototype used for quality control of hadrontherapy treatments is studied. This radioactivity leads to a background that degrades the measurement of the β+ signal. In particular, it prevents the measurement of faint signals originating from low activity β+ sources. This paper presents a method to estimate the minimum β+ activity that can be measured for any acquisition time taking into account the non-extensible dead time of the detector. This method is illustrated with experimental data collected with the in-beam PET-like prototype. The results presented in this paper are therefore specific to this detector. The method can however be applied in other contexts, either to other lutetium based PET detectors or even to non-PET detectors affected by lutetium radioactivity. The dead time correction formalism can also be used generally to scale signal and background yields in any non-paralizable detector, even those in which the background is not due to the presence of intrinsic radioactivity.
Cite this ArticleCrossMarkPublonsHarvard Library HOLLISGrowKudosResearchGateBase SearchOAI PMHAcademic MicrosoftScilitSemantic ScholarUniversite de ParisUW LibrariesSJSU King LibrarySJSU King LibraryNUS LibraryMcGillDET KGL BIBLiOTEKJCU DiscoveryUniversidad De LimaWorldCatVU on WorldCat

Brain and immune system: KURU disease a toxicological process?

Published on: 3rd May, 2018

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7671833271

Starting from observation of pathogenesis of KURU disease we try to investigate the immunologic role played by central nervous systems. A deeply knowledge in the transmission model of this pathology can be an imaging/diagnostic tool to Verify the progression of this prion molecule from gastro intestinal systems to the brain. (After cannibalistic behavior). The prions can be considered a sort of trace ant in KURU to monitoring this process and immune- brain relationship. Interesting information can be obtained useful to produce new pharmacological strategies in some other degenerative brain disease involving innate immune system activation.
Cite this ArticleCrossMarkPublonsHarvard Library HOLLISGrowKudosResearchGateBase SearchOAI PMHAcademic MicrosoftScilitSemantic ScholarUniversite de ParisUW LibrariesSJSU King LibrarySJSU King LibraryNUS LibraryMcGillDET KGL BIBLiOTEKJCU DiscoveryUniversidad De LimaWorldCatVU on WorldCat

Endogenous archeological sciences: Physiology, Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Immunology, Pharmacology, Oncology and Genetics as instrument for a new field of investigation? Modern global aspects for a new discipline

Published on: 14th December, 2018

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7976988064

In this work is analyzed scientific literature involved in human evolution to be used as an archeological Pathway to link different sciences in an overall new discipline. A rational classification of single evidence make possible to better understand under new light some Physiological process. The archeological instrument to be applied in other field like biology or other sciences.
Cite this ArticleCrossMarkPublonsHarvard Library HOLLISGrowKudosResearchGateBase SearchOAI PMHAcademic MicrosoftScilitSemantic ScholarUniversite de ParisUW LibrariesSJSU King LibrarySJSU King LibraryNUS LibraryMcGillDET KGL BIBLiOTEKJCU DiscoveryUniversidad De LimaWorldCatVU on WorldCat

Role of plants, environmental toxins and physical neurotoxicological factors in Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer Disease and other Neurodegenerative Diseases

Published on: 4th March, 2019

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8056301487

Aim of this work is to verify the effect of some neurotoxins, physical factors and geography in presentation of some Relevant Neurological disorder like some form of ASL, PD, AD. The geographic diffusion of the ASL/PD in west pacific (GUAM foci), and mutation of SOD 1 and other mutations are interesting facts to verify the recent literature about the neurotoxic process. Related to the references presented a global conclusion about the pathogenetic progression of some neurological disease will be produced as instrument for new hypothesis and for the introduction of new innovative therapeutic strategies.
Cite this ArticleCrossMarkPublonsHarvard Library HOLLISGrowKudosResearchGateBase SearchOAI PMHAcademic MicrosoftScilitSemantic ScholarUniversite de ParisUW LibrariesSJSU King LibrarySJSU King LibraryNUS LibraryMcGillDET KGL BIBLiOTEKJCU DiscoveryUniversidad De LimaWorldCatVU on WorldCat

GELS as Pharmaceutical Form in Hospital Galenic Practice: Chemico-physical and Pharmaceutical Aspects

Published on: 10th February, 2025

This work aims to describe the chemical-physical properties of various GELS used as galenic forms in hospital pharmacy practice. After an overview of the excipients and method used three preparations are reported. LAT GEL is used as an anesthetic in an emergency (pediatry ) in treating little Traumatic lacerations of the skin and scalp, calcium gel is used as an antidote for fluoride acid burns, and Lidocaine viscose 2% oral gel is used in some pathological conditions like severe esophagitis in onco - hematological patients after radiotherapy or chemotherapy. The galenic role in the situation of some drug shortages was also analyzed.
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