About Peking University Peoples Hospital

Peking University Peoples Hospital

Articles by Peking University Peoples Hospital

GELS as Pharmaceutical Form in Hospital Galenic Practice: Chemico-physical and Pharmaceutical Aspects

Published on: 10th February, 2025

This work aims to describe the chemical-physical properties of various GELS used as galenic forms in hospital pharmacy practice. After an overview of the excipients and method used three preparations are reported. LAT GEL is used as an anesthetic in an emergency (pediatry ) in treating little Traumatic lacerations of the skin and scalp, calcium gel is used as an antidote for fluoride acid burns, and Lidocaine viscose 2% oral gel is used in some pathological conditions like severe esophagitis in onco - hematological patients after radiotherapy or chemotherapy. The galenic role in the situation of some drug shortages was also analyzed.
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